
Tough economy and inauguration

I watched Obama's inauguration speech with mixed feeling,
since I unconsciously expected most enthusiastic one I've ever heard
among his speech. Today's audience was not only his political supporters but people in
all over the world, so naturally it shouldn't be agitation.. nonetheless,
I took his speech less powerful and conservative. Maybe he was nervous to lose voice tone..
The contents was as always very organized and realistic.
It was not about rosy future but made us think about realistic way of
reconstructing US economy. No surprise.
He is particularly impressive for me when he talks about large context,
such as history of ancestor and the future path America heads for. In such points
his speech has similar impression of charismatic black political leaders in history.

I saw the routine phrases about "responsiblity of USA for whole earth" cynical...
International cooperation is vital for globalized economy like USA but do huge debt from wars and collapsed domestic economy tell further foreign investment with what kind of strategy? How is debate about globalization which often is controversial in countries outside USA, especially after 911?

As a nation who is from the economy which once flourished and experienced fall back,
I see recession is not only just cycle of economy but also signal for change.
Apparently this country's economy and society is too unbalanced now. If it is adequate not to mention about failed financial market, I don't know any other developed countries which holds such huge domestic social problems. People in my country worries about themselves so do I, but my impression now is efficiency and education level has in long term helped economy and society of Japan.
Here huge economic and educational discrepancy doubles or triples size of problem... and frontier spirit of USA seems to counteract in society under limitation.
Yes in Japan I saw so many humble "learning" from success in other nations. It is the country best in copying and imitation. But here I don't hear so much "learning" from the best.
It'd be nice to go back to unique origin, but American belief on "expansion" might face challenges...

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